Monday, October 13, 2008

Surgery Recap by Kim...

Well as you know the surgery got started late today. Around 1:30 they wheeled his bed through the big open doors and said he wouldn't remember going into the OR room. He was still talking as they slipped on his hair cap and said goodbye. We received a call at 2:37 stating that the surgery had started and all was going well. We received another call around 4ish saying that they were working on grafting the aorta; then nothing...for like 4 hours! His surgery was completed around 8:30 and we went 2 by 2 to go and see him. The doctors and nurses were very glad about the results and they said his numbers all look good and that he is recovering well. Most patients need heart medicine and he doesn't and he is trying to wake up already. He is still sedated and they have him restrained because of the fact that he is so young and he is moving around and becoming active and restless but is still non-responsive and they don't want him to pull out the breathing or other tubes. It was very overwhelming for me to see him in that state but I know that God is in control. Jordan and Olivia (our friends from church) were here and they went back and Kyle was struggling and moving and Jordan spoke to him and said Kyle you need to relax and I want to pray for you right now. He said that immediately Kyle opened his eyes and then calmed down. It is hard to see your other half restrained with tubes coming out all over and know they have just experienced something traumatic yet at that same time knowing that the Peace of God reigns victorious. Thank you all for your love, support, text messages and prayers. We are so grateful and Kyle should be writing again very soon. The goal is to have his own private room by tomorrow afternoon or evening if all goes as planned. He is in the ICU at Northwestern .
10:00 The breathing tube is now out and he is breathing on his own! Praise God!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yay God! So glad to hear the good report. Thanks for the update.
love you and praying

Unknown said...

Glad everything went well. :) We're praying the recovery goes just as good! Keep us posted- you've been doing a great job. Can't wait to hear about Africa...

Trisha & Seth

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... I'm so glad to hear he's kickin' butt. Still praying for you both and i'm so relieved to hear it's going well. Love you guys.

rmwalters said...

Oh man, Kyle. Now you can catch up on Days of Our Lives. Seriously though, we're thinking of you, praying for you, and hope to see you soon!

pauw said...

kim, (and kyle), thank you for posting this! i have been thinking of you, and my family, friends, and i have been praying for you for days. i felt in my heart that things were going well, but i was extremely happy just now to have that confirmed. all my love to you.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear things have gone well. We love you and are praying as well! Love to hear how the recovery is going.